Thursday, January 15, 2015

Only Plexus Update... short and sweet (and long overdue)

Sorry I have not taken the time to update.  But, I have measured and weighed as I said I would.  I just didn't post it yet.  I have made other things a priority!

Short and Sweet:  I have lost a little weight, I am not constantly starving, and my clothes fit better.  I like the extra energy I have and the taste of the drink.  I do not notice some of the side effects it claims (curbing of sweet tooth), but overall I like what I see so far - and I am getting out of my maternity clothes much faster than I have in the past.

More detailed version:

Okay, I love the taste of the Plexus.  I have certainly noticed more energy - which with a newborn is a wonderful thing!  I have NOT noticed the curb on my sweet cravings much.  I still want that chocolate!  Also, I am not one that ever has lost weight breastfeeding.  Those women are a mystery to me.  I always want to eat SO MUCH MORE when I am feeding a little one.  So, to see a little curb in my appetite has been nice.  I can tell I get fuller faster. But, again, not on the sweets.  Not yet at least!

I have only been to the gym once in 3 weeks.  :(  So, you can take that into consideration.  I have also not cut anything except for soft drinks out of my diet.  I eat what I want, when I want.  But, sadly, no more Dr. Pepper for this girl!  And, I have not laid off the sweets much.  I still had chocolate covered cherries from Christmas and Blue Bell in the fridge!  So, please understand that I am not dieting at this point.

I had to have mis-measured the first week, because week two my measurements were larger, and I am sure that wasn't the case.  So, these two weeks are probably a little more accurate.  I have decided measuring by myself may not be the easiest thing!

Here we go:

Week 2: Measured and Weighed on Monday
Weight: 173.2 (Remember I got a new scale - when I got it I was 174.4 according to it)
Arms: 13.25
Back (just under arms): 39 & 3/8ths
Thighs: 25 and 7/8ths
Waist: 45 & 7/8ths
Hips: 46

Week 3: Measured and Weighed on Monday
Weight: 171.6
Arms: 13.25
Back: 38.25
Waist: 45.5

I don't know how accurate my measurements are at this point.  Sorry for that.  I will upload the pictures next Monday - because I know that I am wearing jeans I could not get on before.  So, I am noticing in the fit of my clothes more than by my weights and measurements.  I plan on changing the time of day I am taking plexus as well.  I am not good at eating breakfast (I know horrible), but I ALWAYS eat lunch.  So, I am looking to change a few habits this week.  I will eat breakfast every day, take Plexus before lunch and hopefully make it to the gym next week!  If not I will walk with Cindy every few days to get the mail or something.  Also I have not stopped having my morning cup of coffee and do not plan to.  I love it.  It is warm and comforting, and I have no motivation to quit.  I don't drink it for energy - I drink it because I love it.  That is simply all.

Next week will be week 4 on Plexus, so I may do the update on Friday, but I will measure on Monday as usual.

Have a beautiful week friends!

1 comment:

  1. I love your candid honesty! I also love that you give no apology or excuses for sticking with the little things that make you happy, like coffee. More power to ya! I am not sure your reason for skipping breakfast (time, stomach not ready to eat, etc.). I just wanted to mention that I have learned that our bodies dump toxins from the liver/kidneys while we sleep. Usually this continues until about 10:00 am. So people who wake up not feeling good in the gut are still feeling the effects. Drink a full glass of water first thing when you wake up and wait until 10 to eat.
