Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Coffee at 8:30 pm... what do you mean I can't sleep?

Tonight I have a grateful heart.  A very grateful heart.

I am so thankful for the newness of this season of our lives.  It is seeming to creep in, much like fall in Texas.  :)  One day the heat is so unbearable... and you feel you will never find relief... and then the next day, it drops 20 degrees, there is a cool breeze blowing and you think to yourself, "I could get used to this."  Two days later we are wondering if we dreamed the cool breeze, and the temperatures in the car rise to unbearable levels,  but it gave us a taste... and hope that one day in the next few weeks we might taste that cooler weather and enjoy being outside again.

That really is such a perfect picture of life right now for us.  Tonight... there is a cool breeze in my weary heart and I keep thinking, "I could get used to this."  I got to meet some of the most precious ladies in College Station.  I love to "do life" with people.  I loved the time I got to share with them.  It is a bit like Ezekiel and the dry bones.   I feel the breath of Life traveling through this pile of bones.  I feel God stirring in ways that I have missed deeply.  And I am thankful.  Thankful that for today, in my life, the season of cool breezes came and gave me a visit.  Thankful that the God of bigger dreams than I can imagine let me taste His goodness and see the Truth with my own eyes that He has good plans for me - and my precious family. 

I am ready for a full blown change of season.  In fact, I am thanking God right now that He will do that.  It is time for a new thing.  It is time for relief.  But, if my timing is not my God's timing... well, it is easy to figure out who got it wrong!  His thoughts are higher than my own, and His ways, so very different.  But, He is good and all He does is good. 

What a beautiful God.  What a treasure of a night.  Now, to fall asleep thanking God for each one of my new friends.   That sounds very sweet to me. 

1 comment:

  1. Thats a good picture of Mia mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
