Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Wow. That in and of itself is a mouthful. What do you think of when you think of your friends? Do you think of the 200+ people that are your “friends” on facebook? Or maybe, you think of the 20 or so people that you would call to tell the best (and worst) news of your life to. Or maybe, you think of the 1 or 2 people that have been there a long time - or maybe haven’t been there long, but they are the ones that you look to for this time. The ones that seem to know you even when you aren’t making yourself “known”. Friendship, like all relationships is an interesting phenomenon. I have had close friends - who have become far friends... Some in distance, some in heart. I have had forever friends that even though we haven’t seen each other in literally years, I know that they will always be there... always love me, just the way God made me. I have some friends that have whirled into my life for a short season, but they have stayed in my heart for the long haul. I have some friends that have passed through before I even really got to know them. It is a funny thing to be a friend.

I love people. I really do. Even people who misunderstand me. I love people who are just plain silly, and those who wouldn’t know silly if it bit them in the bottom. But, I realize that usually when I say that I love people, I mean I love the way people love me.

I have had friends that loved me well at first, and then, like a worn-out shoe, or a burned out song - I was cast aside for the newest, more wonderful one. I have had friends that have thought I was one thing or another - and then they found out I am human. Full of selfishness, pride and faithlessness - and it was at that point the friendship fades away. I have had friends that have actually loved me because of all of my flaws. I love those friends! I have just been thinking about how interesting this word friend is. I have literally been de-friended on Facebook. Ha! Now, you can really let people know how you feel :) I have been un-linked on blogs, I have been shied away from in person. I have been avoided by phone - and I have been misunderstood by those who should have known better. But, I have also been loved well. I have been treated better than I should be. I have had dear friends. I have had friendships that will last literally into eternity. I have shared the best and worst moments of my life with my friends.

While thinking about the wide array of friendships I have, and have had, I couldn’t help but be so thankful that my best friend is never changing. He is always loving me. Even when I am faithless, selfish and prideful. He loves to see me smile, and He doesn’t mind it if I cry. He believes in me. He believed in me long before I ever believed in Him. His love is not fickle. It is not based on what I bring to the table. It is not based on how many times I call Him or text Him. It is not based on if I say the right things, or if I feel the right way. He doesn’t judge me by what is happening on the outside. He looks straight into my heart. That friendship brings freedom. That friendship is what I long to offer to my friends. Whether they are near or far (in proximity, or in heart). I long to be the kind of friend that doesn’t worry about my own feelings. I long to be the friend that doesn’t get all wrapped up in expectations. I long to be the friend that always listens, prays faithfully, and loves unconditionally. But that is tough. People do hurt us. Friends misunderstand us... and it isn’t easy to be that kind of friend. Still, that is what I am asking the Lord for. I am asking that I become a friend to everyone who needs one, in just the way they need. Not that I would become some overloaded lady with constant appointments and social engagements. Just that I would simply love those who need to be loved, in the moment they need it that God allows me to be there. Just that I would really care more about others than I do myself. Oh, Lord help me. I know that is not how I think right now. But, you oh mighty God can change even the hardest of hearts.

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