Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New year - and an experiment...

Those of you who know me personally, know that I am fairly vocal about things that I care about or believe in.  :)  It is the way I am made... If I love it, I let people know.  With the new year approaching quickly, and all the resolutions that are in my head... I decided it is the perfect time to try something new.  I am resolving to be healthier (not crazy, just healthier) and I am challenging myself in a way that I feel like I can really stick with it.  I don’t want to start something and then drop it two months from now.

I have seen these reviews about a product called Plexus all over my Facebook page.  I personally have no experience with Plexus, so this is not a blog about how wonderful it is.  I don’t know how wonderful it is yet.  So, I decided to simply give it a try - put it to the test...  I am officially the worst ambassador that Plexus has at this point.  Ha!  I don’t even know if I believe in the product yet. 

But, that is what this post is about.  I am about to go measure myself (yikes!) and weigh myself and post that for the whole blogging world to see.  (I can blame this craziness on the lack of sleep from my precious Cynthia!)  Each week (hopefully every Monday) I will post my inches, general information about my eating and work out habits, and my weight (I really may have lost my mind!)  I will be very consistent with the time of day I measure so that it is the most accurate.  

I am inviting you to come with me on my journey.  You can simply watch as I check (and post) weekly the changes in my body (not just inches and pounds, but if it is all it is cracked up to be, I will be feeling much healthier overall in a short period of time.)  Or, if you feel like being adventurous, you can literally join me by trying this Plexus Challenge with me.  60 days of taking Plexus and if you don’t feel better and see results that you want to see, you call the company and get your money back.  100%.  As I see it, you have nothing to lose for trying.  As a customer, you have 60 days to determine if you are benefited by Plexus - and if you don’t believe in the product, you really call and just tell the company you want your money back.   It is that simple.

I am personally trying a little different approach because I have family members who have seen significant changes in their health through using Plexus.   My dad has seen a significant decrease in his triglycerides without changing his diet or exercise routine.  My brother in law has lost 56 pounds and 5 inches (in his waist) in 5 months!   He also changed some eating habits and started exercising, so his changes were dramatic.  Here are his before and after pics...

That was enough proof for me to try it, so I went “all in”.  I became an Ambassador, and bought a 4 months supply (because overall it is cheaper to purchase it like that).  If all the hype is true, I know I won’t be sorry.  And, if not, well, it tastes really yummy anyway, and I have spent much more money on much worse things...  It costs $34.95 for the “kit” to join (it is also the annual membership fee), and they have a promotion through this Friday for $15 off any one of the packages to become an ambassador.  I purchased the kit and a 4 months supply package ($218) for a total of $232.00 after tax and shipping.  If you want to do the same, please let me know.  Or, if you simply want to try it for a month to see if you develop a Plexus story that is worth sharing, let me know that as well.  I would love some company on my journey, but I am willing to go it alone for now.  :)  

One random piece of info... I am 6 weeks postpartum... and am breastfeeding my sweet baby girl.  Plexus Slim is completely safe for me to take while I am nursing her.  If you are in the same boat, contact me and I can tell you which products are safe to take while you are nursing, and which ones you will have to wait to try!

Follow this link to my Plexus page for more information about the company, or to see the info about joining my team.        http://christylynmartinez.myplexusproducts.com/

And here are the measurements I promised.  Today is Tuesday, December 30, 2014.  I have already had my Plexus drink this morning, and now for the measurements...
 (I took measurements from the fattiest parts of all of these places so that I can make sure and get the same place each time.)
Early December 2014

Arms: 13.5”
Around my back (under my armpits): 39”
Thighs: 26.5”
Waist: 44.5”
Hips: 45”
Weight: 173.5 (I do not own a scale, this was from the Dr. Office yesterday... But I will update this when I get my scale later this week.  So, this number may change with my at home scale.)

My health related intentions:  I intend to work out at least 3 times a week (this means 30 minutes of cardio and hopefully 30 minutes of weights).  I intend to cut out soft drinks (Coke, DP) completely.  :(  Sad day.  But, I am keeping my coffee!!  I also intend to cut back (some) on my sweets.  I have been out of control over the Holidays!  So those are my intentions and next week I will let you know how successful or unsuccessful I have been on truly cutting those things out.  Wish me luck!  I am hoping to start having more energy, sleeping better (I mean as good as I can with a newborn!), and feeling great.  The product and people I know using it make great boasts about what it can do (see the picture to the left) - and I am hopeful to be able to say it’s all true.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Catching up...

In my mind I have written three posts in the past month.  Ha!  There are so many things I want to chatter about today.  But, I don't have all the time I would need to do that!   I'm gonna give it my best, though...

First of all, Michael and I have a new daughter!  Whew.  She is amazing, and beautiful... but a whole lotta work.  :)  I wouldn't trade these small days for anything though.  I just remember how much time it takes now.  Time away from my husband.  Time away from my other kiddos.  Time that I would have spent looking like a normal human - with make-up and nice hair, and clothes that actually fit.  But, again, I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Cynthia (Cindy for short) is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen.  She is stunning.  And we are all more than a little crazy about her.

I will be honest.  I am completely taken with this little girl.  Just as I have loved, and been enchanted with all of my children.  I absolutely LOVE being a momma.  But, I need to clarify something that is very precious to my heart.  Having a sweet new baby does not for one second lessen the pain of losing my almost grown up, man-boy, Jacob.  He was an amazing son.  If anything, there have been more tears fall from my eyes knowing what an awesome big brother he would have been to Cindy.  I can't explain what that is like.  To know his mannerisms... to know how much he would have loved her and loved on her.  To know what kind of help he would have been to me... good grief...  there are no words fit to describe that loss.

This year while decorating the tree we all felt the depth of our loss again.  It was a sweet time, but in the midst of the sweetness, there was GREAT PAIN.  Mia was grabbing ornaments out of the box... and as I watched her, she held one and got very still.  I knew instantly it was a picture of Jacob.  Tears stung my eyes as I saw the pain on my little girls face.  Jude couldn't hold back the tears.  None of us could.  We just hugged and cried.  Every ornament that had his name on it shouted to us that he was absent.  The pictures of him from the time he was little to the time he died... well, it was so HARD.   

While we celebrate new life in our home, and the Christ-child who came... we also grieve the loss of a life (here on earth), a child, a brother, a friend... we grieve that he is not here to graduate from school this year.  We grieve that he will not know Cindy on this side of heaven.  And we press forward.  Not loving our new sister (and daughter) any more or any less... but, holding her a little closer knowing that our time here is not guaranteed.  Knowing that these moments... no matter how hard, are fleeting.  Knowing that one sweet day our King will come to get us and take us HOME.  That is our hope, and there are days that the HOPE of that truth is the only motivation we have to keep going.

If you know loss - and especially if it has been recently - I pray that you too will cling to the HOPE of what is coming for those of us who love Christ.  When everything else feels like it is falling apart, when the darkness sets in around your mind and your heart... please don't forget that you are SEEN.  You are not alone.  You are understood perfectly.  Your pain, your tears and your heartache are not overlooked.  You are KNOWN.  And, you are LOVED.  Even when you don't understand... just keep believing that you are not forgotten.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours.  


Friday, August 29, 2014

Raw (Consider yourself warned if you choose to read on...)

“Father, this morning I come with all of me.  I am seeking your face because I am desperate.  I am hurting.  Right now you know the ways I have been wounded all the way to my soul.  You see me.  You know every part of me.  You know every person who has added to my grief, and you know every person who has sought to speak Truth to my soul and how their words are like a healing balm.  You know the pain of betrayal and rejection at a far deeper level than I do. Let me live in such a way that I bring you glory - despite my pain.  Let me rejoice in you while at the same time, thank you for giving me the freedom to grieve all the way to the depths of my heart.  Thank you that you come with life and love and grace and mercy.  Please allow those who love you to do the same.  Please allow me to let forgiveness flow from the deep places in my heart and soul.  Do not allow me to be overcome with bitterness for those who have wounded me.  I need more grace.  I need more mercy.  I need more wisdom.  I am in a time of need.  I am desperate to honor you, but I feel like I have nothing more to give.  No more grace to extend.  I want to pull back.  I want to run away.  I want to hide from the pain - and from those who continue to bring me pain.  I want to quit.  I ask for those who are in the same place as I am to know your comfort.  I ask that you would bring healing and hope and life to their spirit’s this morning as well.  Let your love pour out in tangible ways to them even now as they read this.  Bring people here who need a reminder of your love to them. I know in my mind and my heart that you are more than sufficient.  Your grace is sufficient for me - especially in my weakness.  (2 Corinthians 12:9) And so, it is that grace that I call for this morning.  Pour out your grace and your mercy in ways that are far beyond what I could ask or imagine- for me and for my wounded friends.  Thank you that you hear me.  Thank you that you know me - every single part of me.  Thank you that you are never changing and always have in store for me that which is truly good.  You alone can discern what is good.  You alone can discern what is best.  I trust you, Lord.  And I thank you that you are my Lord.  You reached out and saved me, and you save me daily still.  My heart rejoices with thanksgiving for your Son, Jesus.  My soul longs for you.  In this dry and weary land... Let me press in to know your healing.  Let me press in to know you more.  Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  I bless your Name.”

This was my prayer this morning.  This is really the cry of my heart today.  I am wounded.  This week has been brutal.  I have missed Jacob more and more.  The pain has not subsided.  I have watched kids walking home from school.  I am so thankful for those kids - and I am desperately praying that their parents don’t take a moment with their living children for granted.  In the midst of my grief I have been wrestling with other wounds.  Wounds from people who love God.  Wounds from people who in some ways really do love me.  But, they have wounded me.  Deeply.  In my flesh, I want to run.  I want to hide from those who continue to hurt me.  I want to pull back.  Say enough is enough.  Just leave me alone.  But, in the deep places, I cannot say those things.  There is no where to hide from the Spirit of the Lord. (Psalm 139:7) He finds me wherever I run.  Praise His name that He does!  And it is impossible to hide or flee from His love. (Romans 8:37-39)  He knows that the deeper cry in my heart is to outrun bitterness.  To allow my heart to give way to forgiveness even though it is hard - even impossible in my flesh.  There is NO GOOD thing in my flesh.  There is no good thing in me.  Except Jesus.  He is the only good in me.  Whatever thing that is beneficial that comes from me, really comes from Him.  What a relief.  Because I am worn.  In my own strength I cannot even offer kindness.

His Word is beautiful.  His grace teaches us how to love through the pain.  It gives us all we need to live right even in this age. (Titus 2:11-14) This is a dark time.  This time where people are selfish and hateful.  His Grace teaches us to wait for the blessed hope - His return.  I am soooo excited to see what He in His power will do through my weakness.  I am not strong.  And, yet, I am so thankful for that.  Because it is out of my weakness that He will show Himself mighty. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Today, if you find yourself in a place of hurt and you have a desire to quit... I implore you to press in.  Press in to know God’s love.  You will not have to search hard to find it.  He will not leave or forsake you.  No matter what or who comes against you... This day He will be there to be your refuge.  Your ever present help in a time of trouble. 

With time spent with Truth and thinking on the right things... My heart says this to God now...

Father, thank you that you have heard my cries.  Thank you for the beauty that surrounds my life.  Thank you for my precious family.  Thank you for my husband.  Thank you for my children.  Thank you for my friends.  Thank you for your sweet servants who helped me yesterday - who worked hours for your Kingdom - and in so doing blessed me to the depths. Thank you for the sweet one who bought me a coffee today and offered your precious love to me in a very tangible way.  Thank you for seeing my need and always being ready to meet me right in the middle of it.  Thank you for my job.  Thank you that it affords me the opportunity to take a day like this and run away with you.  Thank you for Your provision to us in every way.  Thank you, Lord that you can take a heart overflowing with pain and fill it with peace and life.  You alone are able to do such things as that.  Thank you that you can change our bitterness and allow forgiveness to flow from deep places.  You alone are able.  Thank you that you give us the ability to capture our thoughts and make them obedient to you.  You alone are good. 

I adore you, Jesus.  I cannot make it one day without your Spirit. 

Choose to believe in the goodness of God today, friend.  It is the only true thing.  God alone has the answer to your desperate cries.  That is not fluff or some magic thing.  It is truth.  His goodness to us does not always look like what we expect.  He knows far more than we do.  But, I promise this - He is good.  Even in the darkness, He is good.

May love and grace go before and behind you today.  Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you are blessed by the ramblings of my heart. 

All my love,