I suppose it is time that I share publicly that we have no shortage of trials right now. But, I would be remiss to omit that I am NOT losing heart. God is so very faithful. You see, my circumstances don't get to dictate if that is true or not. That is true, it is up to me whether or not I want to believe it.
We had to take Mia to the ER a few weeks ago for a seizure. It was very minor. She felt it coming on - and she was such a brave girl. We had a CT scan done, and they had great news - there is nothing in her brain (no tumors or growths) that are causing her to have seizures. We scheduled an EEG the next week for more extensive testing. She was such a good girl. She did everything the nurse asked her to do. I am so proud of her - she was nervous, but she wasn't showing it in outward ways. This was her second seizure. In four years, 2 seizures is a very small number. I noticed during this EEG test, when she was blowing the pin wheel, she stopped blowing and looked very blank. It occurred to me that she couldn't do it anymore, but then she "came to" again and continued to blow. Her results came back showing there was an abnormality in relation to the hyperventilation test. When my doctor called me, I wasn't shocked, but I was sad. As a mommy, I want to protect my kids from everything that is hard. But, that isn't what God has asked of me. I do not get to keep them from the hard parts of life. I get to teach them how to navigate those hard things. We will go to a neurologist this next Thursday to get a better explanation and create a plan to make sure she gets everything she needs.
I have no words to describe the depth of love in my heart for my daughter.
All of my children are treasures from Heaven. I am honored to be their mom. I am blessed beyond measure. And, I say with full assurance that my God loves them all more than I do. I know with all of my heart that this is true.
He knit my Mia together. There is nothing hidden from Him. That includes the way her body operates. He sees and knows it all. The peace I have in my heart knowing that her life is not in my hands, or the hands of any person is beyond comprehension. Her life is now, and has always been in the hands of my Faithful God. The creator of the Universe. He is fully able to restore her. And, He adores her. I do not know if she will need any medication, now or ever. I do not know what things we will need to adjust or what things we will need to monitor more closely. I know that epilepsy can most times be fairly well controlled with medicines.
But, just having this come up stirs something deeper inside of me. None of us are guaranteed health. None of us are guaranteed life this day or the next. None of us. We do not control what comes into our lives on a grand scale. We can only choose how to respond when things come up. I want to respond with full out trust of my God. I want to wholeheartedly respond with worship. Because, I also know that He has every right to take any of my children home with Him at any time. They are all on loan to me from Him. It is my job to raise them, protect them from harm, and teach them to honor Him with their lives. But, I have no control. I do not get to choose which battles they will have to fight in this life, and I certainly can't control the choices they make as those battles come. I simply have the privilege to teach them what His Word says is best. I have the honor of relaying His faithfulness to them each day, whatever may come. I trust Him.
Hear me when I say I trust Him. With all of our lives, with everything in our lives. He will not fail us. He will not let us down. He works everything together for our good. Everything. So, as you think of us... as you see that picture of my brave little girl, please pray that we will have opportunities to love on other people who are struggling through hard times. Please pray that we will rightly reflect the power and love of God to us - so that others may find the peace that passes understanding in their own hearts as well. We have a gift in this. We have a gift to share with others. I know that God will provide everything we need to get through this just like every other thing that comes into our lives that we didn't ask for.