Okay, so it's been 30 days.
I have to say overall, I had hoped for more drastic results. But, it is my understanding that it is making me healthier from the inside out.
I have slowly, but very steadily lost (a little) weight and (tiny) inches. But, I have only been taking Plexus and I have not taken any of the products that are more well known to help you loose weight. With that said, in the coming two weeks I am going to start the Triplex Combo - with a probiotic (Pro-bio5) and a cleanse (to help remove the toxins from my body that the Probiotic is working out of my system). I have high expectations that I will see weight loss in a more significant way at that time. I also have high expectations that I will feel even better as the junk leaves my system. I anticipate a little set back on how I feel the first week or two I am taking the Probio - just based on the fact that it will be cleaning out things that have long been stagnant. Gross.
I will be taking pics later today, or tomorrow and posting them probably on Monday, as promised. It isn't easy to do that, but, I am also wrestling every day to find myself beautiful - regardless of the weights and measures. I know that God sees me as beautiful, no matter what my hips measure out to be! He created me, and He likes me - just how I am. So, if my Creator sees me that way - how foolish am I not to? I am simply telling myself every day that I will be comfortable in my skin - no matter what shape my skin is in. I have to say that for some reason it is a difficult thing to hold on to. Why are we like that? Why are we so hard on ourselves? I so wish that I could see myself the way my husband sees me. He is crazy about me. He loves the way I look - again, no matter the number on the scale. That is truly a gift.
Anyway, onto the measurements...
Weight: 170.8
arms: 13.25
Back: 38.75
Waist: 44.75 (a little more loss)
Hips: 45 & 5/8 (a little loss here too)
Thighs: 25 7/8 (a little loss)
I have NOT gone to the gym - or walked to the mail. So, these results are simply from the Plexus - no other change in diet or exercise. I want to change that - but it is easier said than done with this silly weather we are having. I really hope that this week I will get to the gym! Or, at least work out at home on my stairs.
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