Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Then the King will say to those on His right, “Come to me, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.  For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”  Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thrirsty and give you something to drink?  When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and cloth you?  When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’  The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

There is no way to express how thankful I am to my God this morning.

I love the body of Christ.  I love the people God has called together to be brothers and sisters in order to honor His name.

Friends and family have come together to bless our family with school supplies... A clarinet, clothes to fit Jake for athletics.  Others have said they would like to help buy some of the things that were not given, and give some more of the clothes that will be necessary for them this year.  A friend dropped off some school supplies on my porch this morning.  I don’t have words for the gratitude in my heart.  Of course, gratitude for these precious people.  But, also - and more so, to the God of the universe that brought us together as a family and knows every need we have before we even ask it.  That is the God I serve.  The God that is not bound by anything - but is over all things and so loving to His children.  I know He will reward the precious people who “did for the least of these...”

God is providing everything we need through the hands of His precious children.  I am in awe of His beauty this morning.

Isaiah 54:10, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”

I cannot wait to see the way He will meet every one of our needs.  I look forward to watching Him be who He loves to be.

Maranatha (Oh Lord come!)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

In Need...

There was a song we used to sing in worship called "In Need" - I believe it was written by Ross King.  It said, "in need of grace, in need of love, in need of mercy reigning down from high above.  In need of strength, in need of peace, in need of things that only you can give to me.  In need of Christ, the perfect lamb, my refuge strong, the great I Am.  This is my song, my humble plea, I am your child, I am in need."  It makes me sob buckets right now.  It is perfectly beautiful to describe how we are every day - even when we don't realize it.

I do not like to ask for help (usually because of PRIDE).

The Bible tells me PRIDE is not okay.

I believe the Bible is 100% correct - and that brings me to the point.

For my friends who like lists and not words...  Scroll down and you will find the list of practical needs.  :)  For my other friends who don’t mind all my words... Here ya go!

Life has not been a bowl of cherries for us over the last 6 months.  There have been some really difficult things.  These things have tested my ability to rest in Jesus while seemingly everything around me swirled into oblivion.  But, I DID (and still do!) trust Jesus - and He has come through.  He has never let us down.  Each month, we have sat literally stunned by how He took care of things.  It has been so cool (and yet, so hard) to watch him teach us what trusting Him for  our daily bread really looks like.

That is the second reason I have hesitated to “post” any of these requests.  I know that God can meet every need we have.  I believe that with my whole heart.  But, if I don’t let people know our needs - well - but, there is still the Holy Spirit...  See my dilemma?  Am I taking things into my own hands by asking, is that some lack of faith that God will provide?  I don’t think so.  I think, for now, He has laid it on my heart to share our needs and watch Him take care of things.  But, I have to be honest, there is a voice in my head that tells me I lack faith and I am trusting in myself and not my God to provide.  - Go away stupid voice.  I love Jesus and I am confident He will accomplish more than I can even imagine.

With that said, there are some practical things that we really need and if someone else has them and doesn’t need them, we would be blessed.  However, I do not want anyone to give under compulsion - as I can assure you God will provide.  He promises He will meet every need we have, and He is FAITHFUL!

*  size L mens maroon athletic shorts - yes I am an Aggie, but it is really because that is the color the school insists he has. He probably needs two pair - one to wear while the other one is washing.
*  Assorted notebooks and spirals (one black binder for Maddy’s band) and spirals of any color for all three of the kiddos.
* A clarinet.  Used is fantastic - I just don’t know where to begin to find her an instrument and she really wants to be in band. There are many things that are needed for this (reeds and cleaning cloths and such).

I have to stop for a minute and tell you right now tears are rolling down my cheeks.  This is so hard to do.  Yes, pride... Yes, because it is hard to literally not be able to give my kids the things that they need for school...  Yes, because I would so much prefer to be on the other end of this email - searching for ways that we could help.  It is so not fun to feel unable to help someone else.  Probably one of the hardest parts of it all...  Ugh.  So. Not. Fun.

* a lawnmower (or someone who is good with stuff like that who could come fix ours that is broken)

* shorts for Maddy for athletics (also maroon I think)  size S/M - women’s.  She is about a women’s size 3 or 4.  I don’t know what they call that for athletic shorts.

* Other school supplies (like pencils and specific notebooks that I haven’t even found out about yet).

I want you to know from the deepest place in my heart that I am more thankful for your prayers than I can say.  I know what it is not to be able to help someone with a list -so if that is where you are - know that praying for us will do far more - and go much further than you could ever imagine.  So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you for every one who reads this - and even just for that moment - prays for our family.  God will provide and I can’t wait to share how He did it with you.

Much love,

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A call to repentence - the need for a response

I was privileged to get to go with a few beautiful friends of mine to Reliant Stadium this past Saturday.  I believe that I was there for an 'event' that is sure to change the course of history.
There was no political mumbo jumbo.
It was made quite clear - repeatedly, that no person was to receive glory that day.
The clapping and praising and crying out was to but One man - this God-man who is called Jesus.

Indeed, we stood to our feet when Dr. James (and Shirley) Dobson came out.  It was a moment I'll not forget.  It was beautiful to see with my eyes these precious souls who have poured out their lives for the One that matters.  It was not that we desired to give them praise, but an overwhelming feeling of thanks was rising in my heart to the One who predestined them to be captured in their hearts by Jesus.

There was no fear in uttering the name of Jesus.  Of course, we were crying out to God, but we were lifting high the Name above all names.  It was beautiful.  We also sang "America".  The beauty of coming together and singing of how God shed His grace on us, as Americans was something indeed.  We take it for granted every day.  This country is not great because of the great men who have led us.  This country is great because of the Great God who poured out His grace to those men. 

We began with worship.  We sang of the worth and beauty of Jesus Christ and we stood together proclaiming His grace and mercy.  After that, was a solemn time.  A time where we were led to reflect on our own personal sin - and repent for that before a Holy God.  It was a time of ownership.  It was not a time of blame, or a place where guilt was cast upon others.  It was a time to acknowledge our fault - accept our responsibility as the church for allowing our nation to come to this place in history.

Dr. Dobson recounted the time in history where the German army was coming against the British and French armies in the 1940's.  The Church of England called for a time of prayer and fasting.  3 days later, God answered their cries and the armies were saved.  God hears us when we humble ourselves and cry out to Him.

It was humbling to stand and think of how far we are from acknowledging our need for Him each day.  We have become altogether too self sufficient, only, we are not sufficient in ourselves at all.  Thus, the debt and the lack of family unity and the current state of our nation.  This drought can be ended by one word uttered from the mouth of God.  That is fact.  But, beloved friends, He LOVES US TOO MUCH to let us continue in the mindset that we are enough in and of ourselves!  We need Him.  We must cry out to Him alone for help.  The time for trusting in our 401k and our great "plans" is over.  Those financial things will not bring rain to the earth! (sorry, I digress...)
To get to the point here, I will give you the format and try to be brief in my elaboration :)
The four main prayer segments were this:  Personal Repentance.  Corporate Repentance.  The First Commandment.  And in closing, Prayer for Revival in America.
It was beautiful as the older generation stood and blessed the younger generation - and then in turn, the younger generation stood and blessed the older generation.  Staggering to see a small boy (maybe 9 or 10) stand and pray with conviction for his generation to rise up and call on the Lord.  My eyes could not contain the tears as he prayed.  The thought that Jesus was up there at that moment - hearing him - and loving him - solidified something deep in my heart.  God hears us when we pray.  God delights in His children and He will not fall silent when we come before Him in humility and ask Him to help.  He delights in us, beloved, and He made us to delight in Him.
There are many other things that took place in that place.  I was blessed that in my inability to get to the prayer room in Kansas City, God saw fit to bring a piece of it to me (and the other 30,000 people who were there).  It was just what my soul needed.  Brokenness.  Repentance.  Accountability.  Realization of our need.  Confidence in our Maker.  I know that the heart of the living God was moved.  I know He heard us, and I am continuing to pray that the hearts of the people will be turned back to Him.  I saw it in myself even as we were only 30 minutes down the road...  The tendency towards forgetting all that we had just confessed before the Father.  The tendency to look towards the next thing in my day, and my week.  God allowed me to see how quickly I forget.  So, I am asking Him not to let me forget.  Every cloud I see in the sky makes me believe that He is about to send the rain.  And, with that, I am asking that He would also reign over this great nation with His mighty power once again.
It is time.  Jesus, please come with mercy.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Bathrobes and other such stuff...

Well, I thought that was a nice change from my normal "title".  And, it is legit.  

I went to a training last week for my new job (which I love!).  We met at a ranch in Chapell Hill.  It was beautiful!  The landscape was amazing.  The other admin was so sweet - and our Regional Trainer - well, she and I are kindred spirits.  I simply loved her.  I loved the whole thing.  I got so tickled when we got there and there was a lime green bag - a gift on my bed.

The anticipation grew.
I really wanted to look, but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate.
Turns out, I could have, but I waited just in case.

When it was a very appropriate time, I opened it up, and inside was a white bathrobe with the Younglife Logo - and our Region name embroidered on it.  Wow.  That was so cool.
It is the kind of robe that you want to steal from fancy hotels.  You know, the kind that make you want to act like a brat and order room service.  Yep.  It was mine, and just because the amazing people at Young Life wanted me to know that they appreciate me - and they value the work I do.  I still can't believe it.  I hadn't done a thing to earn that robe.  I didn't deserve that robe.  But, it was a gift.  And, I accepted it with deep gratitude in my heart.  So cool.

Now, when I wear it around the house, (which isn't often right now in this 100 degree weather), but when I do wear it...  I make my children refer to me as "Your Highness".  We all laugh, but deep inside I know it, I am royalty, and this was a really sweet way for the King of Kings to remind me that I am His daughter - and royalty indeed.

I love my soft robe, but more than that, I love the organization that made it, and the precious people who decided to give it to me, and even more than that... I love Jesus Christ - the One worth living for - at work, at home, and in all things.  What a gift.  The robe, the organization, the people, and the "job".  It is no longer necessary for me to fight for joy as I get ready for work.  It is easy to be filled with joy as I serve the Lord in this job.  This is such a precious gift after a very long time of striving to do my job with joy.  I wish everyone could love their job the way I do.  I really do.  I hope I never take for granted the way it feels to know I am right where God wants me to be (in this area, at least).  :)   

This is abundance.  This is what life is about.  Knowing Him, and making Him known.  Loving people well.  Reminding people that they are valued in the eyes of Him who created them and made them for His glory.  I am so thankful that Young Life wants to reach every kid with the good news of Jesus Christ.  What a sweet place this is to work.  I can't wait to become an old pro at the office stuff, so that I can serve more in the ministry of Young Life.   Coolest. Job. Ever!

God is faithful.  He will never fail us.  Never.  That doesn't mean things will be easy.  But, it does mean that we are not subject to our circumstances.  We can trust God's plans for us - they are always best, and He can take any situation and turn it for His glory, and our good.