For the last month and a half the Lord has revived a song in my heart that I didn’t even remember was tucked away in there. It had been 19 years or more since I heard it. But, now that He has brought it back to my mind - it offers me life all day long. The words are these:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
His mercies never come to an end.
They are new every morning, new every morning,
Great is Thy faithfulness, oh Lord.
Great is Thy faithfulness.
Indescribable, how those words bring such Truth and Life to my weary soul. I remember again for the millionth time this week just typing them, that His love towards me never stops. He is so faithful. He is so merciful.
This week was filled with too many activities. Too much stuff that takes my eyes off the main thing. But, through it all, He was right there. He was reminding me these three things over and over:
He sees me. (Nothing is hidden from His sight)
He knows me. (I am fully known)
He loves me. (steadfastly, wholly, completely loved.)
He is the God who sees. El Roi. (See Heb. 4:13 & Jeremiah 23:24) Nothing in all creation is hidden from His sight.
He is the God who fully knows me, because He created me in the secret place. (Psalm 139:15) and He knows every move I will make before I make it. ( Psalm 139:5 & 119:168)
His love is unfailing. (Psalm 13:5, 32:10, 33:18, 36:7) There are too many to list!!!
I don’t know what you are going through right now. But, I know the One who does. I cannot imagine the depth of the ache in your heart. But God knows and sees all of your tears - all of the pain hidden in the darkness of your heart - and He records your tears - Psalm 56:8. He does not delight in your grieving. He mourns with those who mourn.
How deep the Father’s love for us. How vast beyond all measure. That He would give His only Son to make this wretch His treasure. (another fabulous reminder through song).
Friend, I promise you His Word is true. He is Almighty God, Faithful and True. Loving and merciful beyond all we can imagine.
Three times this week - when I have needed it most - He has whispered to me “I see you. I know you. I delight in you.”
Many times this week, He has placed a song in my heart. A song of thankfulness. A song of adoration.
He is worthy. He is worthy of all my tears. He is worthy of all my pain. He is worthy - and I am begging that He would receive honor and glory and praise in increasing measure in my life. Whatever it looks like, I trust Him. I trust in His unfailing love. My heart rejoices in His salvation.
There is no one like my God. No one.
If you need someone to depend on, someone who will always know your heart - and love you - I would love to tell you more about Jesus. I would love to share with you His faithfulness in my life. Lean into Him. He can handle anything you have going on. He is not taken by surprise by anything you are facing. Your circumstance - no matter how big it looms over you - does not determine His ability to carry you through it. He is able. He is stronger. He loves you and wants to show His love to you.
Blessings on your week this week. May His face shine upon you.
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