Well, I wish I had a pretty post to write - with a pretty bow to tie and wrap it up - but that is not what this is. This is more like a backwards glance over my shoulder at a really difficult week.
I took my eyes off of the Author and Perfecter of my faith. Stink.
I hate it when I do that. I know better. My sin never just effects me. But, God is always there to remind me - in the gentlest of ways that He is better. He is worth more than the pain that I am going through.
I was singing... on the worship team at church... and I was wrestling with God. Mostly I was just having a tantrum because of my feelings. Not to say there weren't some legitimate hurts... just to say, they weren't worth forgetting where my focus should be - and it is not on me... that is nothing but a big pile of trouble waiting to happen. But, as I wrestled through the first "set"... I realized that I was still being so selfish. So, once we finished, I took a time out. I went to the kitchen of the church and I talked with Jesus. Really, I sang to Him. I had the words to a song swirling in my mind all throughout worship and I knew that He was prompting my heart to sing them to Him - and mean them. So, I sang... and I sang and I sang until I meant it.
Choose - Christy Nockels (excerpt)
Let me be in love with what you love.
Let me be most satisfied in You.
Forsaking what this world has offered me.
I choose to be in love with You. I will choose to be in love with You.
Let me know the peace that's mine in You
Let me know the joy my heart can sing
For I have nothing Lord, apart from You
I choose to call on Christ in me. I will choose to call on Christ in me.
For in the fullness of who You are, I can rest in this place.
And giving over this, my journey Lord, I see nothing but Your face.
And I bow down.
Humbly I bow down. Humbly I bow down. I bow down.
Let me know that you have loved me first.
Let me know the weight of my response,
For you have long pursued my wandering heart
I choose to glory in the cross. Yes, I will choose to glory in the cross.
You see, it is a choice. It is a choice every day, every hour, and sometimes every minute to choose godliness, holiness, and truth over lies, accusations and the flesh. My flesh was so strong. I knew it. And the Lord used a worship teammate to tell me truth. My posture was "closed off" - and I had to admit, it was because my heart was closed off. I was still in the process of wrestling things out with the Lord... and it had an effect. I was a bit sad that my actions, my selfishness, my sin could impact people at all. But, then the Lord reminded me what I tell my kids all the time. "Your sin never just affects you." NEVER. It was a pretty clear picture. So, I sang, and I meant it. Let me choose to love those things you love - truth, justice, mercy, love... and think on holy things. Let me be most satisfied in You. His grace is sufficient. I know that is Truth. I just momentarily focused on the temporary... the circumstances that shout out lies constantly. It was a sweet moment, and a humbling moment. I hate my flesh... and yet, I know that I made choices that perpetuated the selfish thinking. Well, poop. I am not happy about that even now - but I am learning today - again- that His mercies are new every morning (and on some occasions, twice in the same morning). Second service was sweet as I worshiped from a posture of deep gratitude for His constant pursuing of my heart. Darkness has no where to hide when He comes. He is light, and He is life. The darkness must flee from His presence. I just forgot for a minute that the Light was with me the whole time.
Last week was really difficult. I don't want to re-do it. But, this week promises to be sweet - as long as I set my mind on things above. Worship was much easier today after having several long talks with really good friends -and a good reproof from the One that made me and knows and loves me completely. I love how He deals with me. I am in love with my Savior - who has saved me once again. My mind is clearer... but, I am not foolish, I know that we are all just a step away from stupid. One little step.
I took my eyes off of the Author and Perfecter of my faith. Stink.
I hate it when I do that. I know better. My sin never just effects me. But, God is always there to remind me - in the gentlest of ways that He is better. He is worth more than the pain that I am going through.
I was singing... on the worship team at church... and I was wrestling with God. Mostly I was just having a tantrum because of my feelings. Not to say there weren't some legitimate hurts... just to say, they weren't worth forgetting where my focus should be - and it is not on me... that is nothing but a big pile of trouble waiting to happen. But, as I wrestled through the first "set"... I realized that I was still being so selfish. So, once we finished, I took a time out. I went to the kitchen of the church and I talked with Jesus. Really, I sang to Him. I had the words to a song swirling in my mind all throughout worship and I knew that He was prompting my heart to sing them to Him - and mean them. So, I sang... and I sang and I sang until I meant it.
Choose - Christy Nockels (excerpt)
Let me be in love with what you love.
Let me be most satisfied in You.
Forsaking what this world has offered me.
I choose to be in love with You. I will choose to be in love with You.
Let me know the peace that's mine in You
Let me know the joy my heart can sing
For I have nothing Lord, apart from You
I choose to call on Christ in me. I will choose to call on Christ in me.
For in the fullness of who You are, I can rest in this place.
And giving over this, my journey Lord, I see nothing but Your face.
And I bow down.
Humbly I bow down. Humbly I bow down. I bow down.
Let me know that you have loved me first.
Let me know the weight of my response,
For you have long pursued my wandering heart
I choose to glory in the cross. Yes, I will choose to glory in the cross.
You see, it is a choice. It is a choice every day, every hour, and sometimes every minute to choose godliness, holiness, and truth over lies, accusations and the flesh. My flesh was so strong. I knew it. And the Lord used a worship teammate to tell me truth. My posture was "closed off" - and I had to admit, it was because my heart was closed off. I was still in the process of wrestling things out with the Lord... and it had an effect. I was a bit sad that my actions, my selfishness, my sin could impact people at all. But, then the Lord reminded me what I tell my kids all the time. "Your sin never just affects you." NEVER. It was a pretty clear picture. So, I sang, and I meant it. Let me choose to love those things you love - truth, justice, mercy, love... and think on holy things. Let me be most satisfied in You. His grace is sufficient. I know that is Truth. I just momentarily focused on the temporary... the circumstances that shout out lies constantly. It was a sweet moment, and a humbling moment. I hate my flesh... and yet, I know that I made choices that perpetuated the selfish thinking. Well, poop. I am not happy about that even now - but I am learning today - again- that His mercies are new every morning (and on some occasions, twice in the same morning). Second service was sweet as I worshiped from a posture of deep gratitude for His constant pursuing of my heart. Darkness has no where to hide when He comes. He is light, and He is life. The darkness must flee from His presence. I just forgot for a minute that the Light was with me the whole time.
Last week was really difficult. I don't want to re-do it. But, this week promises to be sweet - as long as I set my mind on things above. Worship was much easier today after having several long talks with really good friends -and a good reproof from the One that made me and knows and loves me completely. I love how He deals with me. I am in love with my Savior - who has saved me once again. My mind is clearer... but, I am not foolish, I know that we are all just a step away from stupid. One little step.