Sunday, April 3, 2011

Quiet reflection...

These days it seems like it is harder and harder to get a moment of quiet.

This morning, as I woke up and everyone else was still sleeping, I was struck again with how valuable this time is.  This is precious.  To be still - really still and sit with my Bible, journal, and coffee and just have blissful silence. 

It has been lovely.  It was much needed. 

I have decided that I will be returning morning after morning to do the same thing, because I need quiet time to be sane.
Don't we all, really?  Haven't we become so fast paced?  I love cell phones, email, computers, Skype and Facebook, all of the wonderful things that technology has brought to keep us closer than we ever have been before when we are separated by many miles.  But, with all of that, we are accessible really any time day or night, to whoever wants us.

In so many ways that is wonderful, but in so many ways that is robbing us of something very valuable.

Time alone to rest and think.

Time to just sit and re-evaluate our days - why do we do what we do?  Why do we get up when we get up and go to bed when we go to bed?  Do we love what we do, or are we trapped by what HAS to be done? 
Regardless of what faith system you believe in, don't you require time to be still? 

I love this verse in the Song of Solomon 8:13 (NLT).  It says this, "O my darling, lingering in the gardens, your companions are fortunate to hear your voice.   Let me hear it, too!"  I love it.  It is as if the Creator of the Universe is saying, yes, yes, it is good that you have friends to share things with.  It is good that you are not alone - but, let me have some time with you too!  Let me sit with you and hear what you have to say.  He is beckoning for me to come and sit with Him. 
I believe that.  I have lived that.  My God, the Creator of all things - desires time with me.  He desires that I come to Him.  He loves to hear me when I am angry, when I am thankful, when I am lonely, when I am sad, when my heart is hurting, and when my heart is filled with joy.  He loves me.  He loves me and wants to hear how I love Him.  He is a personal God.  He can handle any of my emotions (after all, he gave them to me when He formed me in my mother's womb).  He is big enough to handle anything I throw at Him, but He is "small" enough (simply meaning personal - and not far off) to care about the tiny, hidden things in my heart.  What a wonderful God! 
What a beautiful way to start the day.  I cannot wait for (corporate) worship this morning!

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