Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Abba Father

The last several days have been a bit of a whirlwind.

It is an interesting thing to recognize the Mighty hand of God and try to explain that to a person that is not a believer. As a believer, you are prepared with words like Sovereign and Omnipotent. But, to an unbeliever - those might sound like ingredients that you wouldn’t want in your food. I’m not sure... But it has been an interesting last week.

I have been praying - and I am pretty sure sharing - how much I want God to use me exactly how He wants me. I feel so strongly that time on earth is short. Shorter every single day for each of us. And yet, we go through life doing things and making decisions like this is all there is.

Well, it isn’t. There is much more.

God stepped into my life last Monday in a way I have asked Him to for years. I have sung so many worship songs that invite Him to use me, mold me, shape me... That beg Him to consume me, and deliver me. I have surrendered all - adored His beauty and sung of His ability to save people and move mountains.

He is doing it. He is taking all of my pride - all of my desires for the approval of man and He is tossing them into the trash pile to be burned up. He is delivering me from a life that is too busy, too... Well, too little for His plan. He is beckoning for me to come higher - and dive deeper all in the same breath. He is whispering “trust me, trust me” and I am crazy enough to do it. He is reminding me that I am His daughter - His adopted daughter - in whom He delights. He has intervened in a way that screams to me that He loves me too much to see me live outside of His abundance. Wow. What a God. What a personal God who sees every detail, and what an amazing God that He can command the rain to fall or stop. By His word all things were created, and by His word all things would cease. Staggering.

I have no idea where we are going on this journey. It is a bit like walking in the woods at night with a tiny flashlight. There is just enough light to not be consumed by the darkness, and yet, I have full confidence that I will not strike my foot - or trip and fall. He is not shouting directions at me. He is not opening wide the doors and saying “it’s this one!” But, I believe with all of my heart that He will say, “This is the way, walk in it”. I believe with all of my heart that He will not let me strike my foot on a stone, or turn to the left or the right. He will guide me continually giving me water when I am thirsty. He will hide me in the shadow of His wings and He will hold me by the hand.

Like a little girl in the arms of her great big Daddy, I am hanging on - clinging with my arms around His neck - knowing that He knows the way and He will keep me safe.

He is more beautiful to me today than ever before. May He receive all the glory and honor and praise.

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