The Lord in His faithfulness had this in store for me last night… Just as I was wanting to give way to hopelessness. Just as my flesh cried out for me to just go to bed and think no more… the Lord in His mercy had a word for me. Oh that my heart would receive it. Oh that I wouldn’t doubt that He used someone in my life to write these words just for me. He is so faithful soooo good. If you are needing a special touch, just read these words… they are true for you too. You are the Beloved of Jesus if you know Him as your Savior. Thank you Jesus, for your servants who hear your voice and respond in obedience! Here are her words....
“I feel the heart of the Lord towards you and I just want to weep. So many of you have endured so much and you still love Jesus so much. You have not grown bitter. So many of you long to be near Him and no one else but Him sees how close you draw to Him in the secret when you are at work, at home, in the car, in your closet...and you keep drawing near when no one else is looking...He loves it. He sees it and His heart is moved. So many of you have been waiting and waiting for many different things. I have been waiting for several things my heart desires too, but how long I have been waiting pales in comparison to how long many of you have waited for desires and promises...and how long Jesus has been waiting to come back for His Bride, His desire, beats any of us...can someone tell me how He is so patient and how He deals with everything He must feel in the waiting?? Anyway, all that to say, I hear the Lord say, do not lose hope! He will indeed give what is good (Psalms 85:12). Let your hearts be strengthened in His goodness and faithfulness towards you. All you have walked through has not been in vain! Whatever you do, don't shut down your is our glory to feel. What else in all creation did God make that can feel what He feels? Stay steady! And in the waiting, we will get to know and experience the heart of the One we really are waiting for anyway. “
Thank you sweet friend for being used of the Lord to breathe encouragement to my heart!
“I feel the heart of the Lord towards you and I just want to weep. So many of you have endured so much and you still love Jesus so much. You have not grown bitter. So many of you long to be near Him and no one else but Him sees how close you draw to Him in the secret when you are at work, at home, in the car, in your closet...and you keep drawing near when no one else is looking...He loves it. He sees it and His heart is moved. So many of you have been waiting and waiting for many different things. I have been waiting for several things my heart desires too, but how long I have been waiting pales in comparison to how long many of you have waited for desires and promises...and how long Jesus has been waiting to come back for His Bride, His desire, beats any of us...can someone tell me how He is so patient and how He deals with everything He must feel in the waiting?? Anyway, all that to say, I hear the Lord say, do not lose hope! He will indeed give what is good (Psalms 85:12). Let your hearts be strengthened in His goodness and faithfulness towards you. All you have walked through has not been in vain! Whatever you do, don't shut down your is our glory to feel. What else in all creation did God make that can feel what He feels? Stay steady! And in the waiting, we will get to know and experience the heart of the One we really are waiting for anyway. “
Thank you sweet friend for being used of the Lord to breathe encouragement to my heart!