Monday, July 7, 2008

Encouragement for my heart....

The Lord in His faithfulness had this in store for me last night… Just as I was wanting to give way to hopelessness. Just as my flesh cried out for me to just go to bed and think no more… the Lord in His mercy had a word for me. Oh that my heart would receive it. Oh that I wouldn’t doubt that He used someone in my life to write these words just for me. He is so faithful soooo good. If you are needing a special touch, just read these words… they are true for you too. You are the Beloved of Jesus if you know Him as your Savior. Thank you Jesus, for your servants who hear your voice and respond in obedience! Here are her words....

“I feel the heart of the Lord towards you and I just want to weep. So many of you have endured so much and you still love Jesus so much. You have not grown bitter. So many of you long to be near Him and no one else but Him sees how close you draw to Him in the secret when you are at work, at home, in the car, in your closet...and you keep drawing near when no one else is looking...He loves it. He sees it and His heart is moved. So many of you have been waiting and waiting for many different things. I have been waiting for several things my heart desires too, but how long I have been waiting pales in comparison to how long many of you have waited for desires and promises...and how long Jesus has been waiting to come back for His Bride, His desire, beats any of us...can someone tell me how He is so patient and how He deals with everything He must feel in the waiting?? Anyway, all that to say, I hear the Lord say, do not lose hope! He will indeed give what is good (Psalms 85:12). Let your hearts be strengthened in His goodness and faithfulness towards you. All you have walked through has not been in vain! Whatever you do, don't shut down your is our glory to feel. What else in all creation did God make that can feel what He feels? Stay steady! And in the waiting, we will get to know and experience the heart of the One we really are waiting for anyway. “

Thank you sweet friend for being used of the Lord to breathe encouragement to my heart!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Book blurb #2

It seems to me that we should be the most thankful for the top 5 most difficult people in our lives. If you will consider with me for a moment, I believe one of the quickest routes to holiness is through pain and rejection. How can we really fear God alone and not man if we always please men in the things that we do for God? Rejection by men, and especially men that we respect and love, will cause us to determine who we live to please. If we always are taken care of and put first, how will we ever get a chance to walk out true humility? If we say we love people, and we don’t have any difficult people in our lives to love, then how do we really know? It is the people who falsely accuse us that show us that the truth about our hearts belongs to God alone. It is the selfish and hateful people who teach us how to turn to the Lord to fulfill our deepest needs – and truly find the beginnings of the depth of His love for us.
The more we are rejected by fellow man, the more we must turn to the Lord to find our worth, and how deeply we are loved by Him. And there is no love that can match His love for us. How great is the Father’s love that He has lavished on us! It is important that we are being rejected because we are choosing God and not because we are being rebellious to the authority God has placed in our lives. God puts people in our lives for a purpose. The refining that is done to our hearts by relationships with difficult people is a blessing from the Lord. Even people who aren’t traditionally “difficult” will be used when necessary to bring about holiness in your life. It is time that we realize that we are difficult people too.
Until we know how to look past our needs, our rights and our feelings, we will not love as He loves. We will only love ourselves. We cannot on our own be perfect as our Father is. He loves us perfectly. Jesus wants us to understand that the bar has been raised. It is a standard unable to be met on our own. We must have the help of the Holy Spirit and we must keep our eyes on His cross. Oh, Lord help us to be perfect as you are perfect. There is no other way to read that. He wasn’t saying try to be perfect. He wasn’t saying, “try not to mess up too much”. He said be perfect.

Webster defines perfect as being entirely without fault or defect – flawless. Are you striving to be flawless for God? Romans 12:11 says, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Let’s be zealous for the Lord – and less zealous for our own rights.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Our Lifebook is turned in!

Yeah!!! I turned our lifebook in on June 30! So, now we wait... we wait on the Lord's sovereign timing. We pray for our birth-mom and our baby. We pray that the Lord will keep us in His mercy while we wait on Him. I want it to be true that He renews our strength as we wait on His hand in this. I am still so excited to see what He has in store. I am still fighting for this excitement, as I know the enemy would love to steal it away. But, I LOVE that God's Word is true, and even as we wait - we can rest.

We just got home from Sea World and the kids loved it. I am ready to settle into some kind of summer routine, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen anytime soon. The picture is from the front entrance at Sea World... aren't my children just beautiful!!! We are blessed indeed!