But, to be honest... much of my life isn't polished or pretty.
It's just not me to have my kids all dressed (in matching clothes) holding signs that were made with according to a cute DIY Pinterest project. Please don't think I am bashing those that can do this. It is simply not me. I am not crafty, or creative on my own. I don't have time to do the pinterest project because I am not exactly the best manager of my time. I do good to make sure they are wearing shoes. And, to be honest, we did forget Jude and Mia's backpacks.
So, I feel like a horrible mother if I compare myself to other mom's on social media. I forgot to take first day pics of my littles... and the baby was still in the clothes she slept in. We had other priorities. Eating. That was important. Bible study... oh Lord help me to continue to be faithful in this for this year with my kiddos! And, the ever popular getting them to school on time (we were probably late 35 days last year). I wish I was kidding.
So, I just don't compare.
I love my family. I love my hectic life. I love the areas in me that need growth. I am not perfect. I don't have it all together. I more agree with the meme's that you see that say something like this:
Seriously. Yes.
I do not love Maddy and Jared more because I managed to get their pictures on FB. I literally hesitated for a minute to post them since I didn't have all of my kids together. Heaven forbid someone take that to mean something it doesn't. It just happened, that at the moment I had a minute to pick up my phone, they were the only two dressed and ready for pics. And so it was.
Anyway, all of this to simply say... be you, and be happy with who God created you to be. With all of your strengths (which people will praise) and your WEAKNESS (which people will NOT praise). Never quit growing and learning to be better. Listen to God when He wants to strengthen you in an area that you are weak. But, I would rather see the real you - and hear your real life in person or on social media than I would to see a bunch of staged pics that don't capture even the broken pieces of you, or the imperfections in your day to day. .

So, today, my one encouragement to you, is simply to not only allow yourself to just be YOU, but actually learn to like who YOU are. No one else is made just like you. And, you were made the way you are for a reason. Here is one of my favorite verses that reminds me that God isn't gonna give up on me any time soon. Philippians 1:3-6 "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Praise be to God. He will finish what He started. And the work He started was good. :)